Join Us

Stop by our table outside Doherty Hall in the fall or our station at Activities Fair! Drop by our morning rolls and social events. Check out our calendar of events here. You may recognize CIA members on campus by our iconic yellow sweatshirts.
Feel free to say hi or ask questions! You can also reach out to our officers or email with any questions.

The Garage

Our workplace and hangout is "the garage" in the basement of Stever House. If the doors aren't open, call 412-268-2038 to ask to be let in.


We table at the beginning of every semester and in every Friday in front of Doherty Hall with free chocolate chip pancakes!


Our workplace and hangout is "the garage" in the basement of Stever House. If the doors aren't open, call 412-268-2038 to ask to be let in. We meet for rolls in our tent outside Tepper at the corner of Tech St. and Frew St. Rolls are on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 5-9 AM.

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